Here is a good resource on Youtube that provides quality workout videos.

10 Minute Abs Workout - Fitness Blender Abs and Obliques Routine

Whenever you do any ab exercises make sure you are holding your abs in tight and keeping them flexed the whole time. Doing this will help keep your abs flat rather then getting bulky abs. 

Try this workout in the video:
10 exercises
50 seconds each
10 seconds breaks
  • Pulse Crunches
  • Bicycle Crunches
  • MT Top Abs
  • Toe Taps
  • Alternating Jackknives 
  • Reverse Crunches (V-ups)
  • Oblique Crunches (both sides)
  • Reclined Punches (you can add hand-held weights to make more challenging) 
  • Toe Touch Crunches
Image result for ab stretches yoga

Once you finish this video make sure you do this yoga ab stretch to stretch out those abs you just worked really hard. This exercise will help stretch your abdominals so that you can have a longer torso. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If I follow this workout, will I look like homegirl in the video?


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