This article really talks about how these 8 bedtimes snack aren't that bad as you may think. I know growing up my mom always told me that is wasn't good to eat past 7pm. Well if you were ever told that and were afraid you would gain weight if you did.... Here is your solution!
An Apple with a Spoonful of Peanut Butter (MY FAVORITE)
Apples have lots of fiber and a satisfying
crunch. "The protein in the peanut or almond butter also fills you up
without feeling heavy in your stomach," says Brill.
String Cheese
Sure, it's processed, but hear us out: One
serving of this snack contains filling protein and fat, so you feel
satiated—and it only packs about 80 calories. Cheese also packs the
amino acid tryptophan, which may help make you drowsy, says Brill.
A Bowl of Cereal
Put down the Count Chocula—all that sugar
might leave you too wired to sleep (and also give you a stomach ache).
We're talking about the whole-grain, complex carb kind (think oatmeal or
corn or bran flakes) that's easy to digest and gives you 200 calories
or less per bowl, says Brill. Pour in a little milk for extra tryptophan
and protein.
Nonfat Greek Yogurt
For about 100 to 150 calories, you get the
relaxing powers of tryptophan from the dairy, as well as satisfying
protein, says Brill. Plus, yogurt can help calm your stomach, so you're
less likely to wake up with heartburn or indigestion and instead can
score a good night's rest.
Two Slices of White-Meat Turkey
Turkey is loaded with sleep-inducing
tryptophan (no wonder you're so sleepy after those massive holiday
dinners, right?) and low-fat, high-quality protein, says Brill. A few
slices won't run you more than 100 calories.
Nonfat Chocolate Pudding Cup
We're totally loving this one—the creamy
chocolate pudding goes down easy, but it doesn't contain the fat that
can sit in your belly like a rock all night. One single-serve pack racks
up about 90 calories.
Some other others are:
- some baby carrots
- a banana
Here is a good resource on Youtube that provides quality workout videos. 10 Minute Abs Workout - Fitness Blender Abs and Obliques Routine Whenever you do any ab exercises make sure you are holding your abs in tight and keeping them flexed the whole time. Doing this will help keep your abs flat rather then getting bulky abs. Try this workout in the video: 10 exercises 50 seconds each 10 seconds breaks Pulse Crunches Bicycle Crunches MT Top Abs Toe Taps Alternating Jackknives Reverse Crunches (V-ups) Oblique Crunches (both sides) Reclined Punches (you can add hand-held weights to make more challenging) Toe Touch Crunches Once you finish this video make sure you do this yoga ab stretch to stretch out those abs you just worked really hard. This exercise will help stretch your abdominals so that you can have a longer torso.
This video is a quick on the go workout. It focuses on shedding that fat and getting your heart rate up. This workout video has modifications for beginners and people that need other variations of a workout maybe due to an injury. I really want to focus on an all body workout and show you that you don't always need to be in the gym to workout! Workout Guidelines 6 different workout movements 3 minutes on (NO REST) -go at your own pace during the 3 minutes 1 minute off (water break) 30 seconds: Step up 30 seconds: Mountain Climbers 30 seconds: Jump Squats 30 seconds: Wall Sit 30 seconds: Plank 30 seconds: Quick Step
Get More Fiber You don’t have to eat a bag of Grandma’s prunes. Leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and beans are all good for keeping away the fat that stays deep in your belly. That’s called visceral fat, and it’s the most dangerous kind because it can wrap around major organs, including your liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Be Choosy About Fat You can still have some! But limit the “saturated” kind that’s in animal foods, coconut and palm oils, and full-fat dairy. Keep the portions of those foods smaller than you might normally do, for instance. And check nutrition labels to see how many calories and how much fat is in a serving. Look for fats that are better for you, too, like those from plant foods or fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel that are rich in omega-3s. Stop Trying to Outrun It Still trying to “burn off” that belly fat by pounding the pavement for hour upon hour? Research shows that a few quick bursts of high-intensity exercise -- such as a 3...
How many calories in the chocolate pudding cup?