Strong Is The New Beautiful
Today is ARM DAY!
- I wanted to make sure I had an arm focused workout for you guys but also include one ab and leg exercise. This workout is simple and fast. You do need weights for this workout so if you don't have them at home maybe go to the gym for this one.
Side Shuffles
- 3x side shuffles doing 10 steps to each side
- Really make sure you aregoing slow and feeling the resistance/ challenge
- To make it harder you can add a slight squat while you do the side shuffle
TRX Bands
- 3 x 12 ( do this 12 reps 3 times)
- This excerise you will need to go to the gym for the bands
- You want to be at a slight angle and pull yourself up in a "Y" formation
- Really focus on using your upper body to pull up and do it slow
Lat Pull downs
- 3 x 12 ( do this 12 reps 3 times)
- Keep your chest tall/bring your chest to the bar
- Keep your elbows pointed straight down
- Squeeze your lats/think of pulling from your armpits
- Lower to your chin or just below
- Grab just outside your shoulders or a little wider
- Also, try using the 'V-grip' handle
Dumbbell Flyes
- 3 x 12 ( do this 12 reps 3 times)
- Do this motion in a control manner
- Make sure you are using light weight and keep a slight bent in your arm while you are doing it
Ab Roll Out
- 3 x 12 ( do this 12 reps 3 times)
- Slow roll out of hte ball with only using your forearm
- You will roll out slowly then roll back in that is 1
- To make it harder you can do it starting in a plank position off your knees
Single Leg Glute Bridge
- 3 x 12 ( do this 12 reps 3 times) each leg
- Lay on the floor with your feet flat and knees bent
- Raise one leg off of the ground, pulling the knee to your chest. This will be your starting position
- Execute the movement by driving through the heel, extending your hip upward and raising your glutes off of the ground
- Extend as far as possible, pause and then return to the starting position.
YAAAAS girl get it!